Thursday, August 18, 2011

he's a romantic...

He probably wouldn't admit it and probably doesn't like me to admit it, but Tucker really is a sweetheart and since this is our history, I have to write down specifics to some of his romantic evenings while dating. AND...he has continued to surprise me with his clever ideas and romantic side even after getting married, but I will share those later:)

#1- First kiss. Our very first kiss was very cute and worth recording. First of all, I told myself I was gonna let him make the first move, no matter how long it took. Believe me, there was many nights that I thought he was going to, but I guess he just enjoyed letting the anticipation build. Anyways, the night was perfect...we drove up American Fork canyon to Silver Lake and the night sky was beautiful! This October 1st night was cold and crisp, and the sky was so clear, I swear you could see every star in the sky. The moon was full and so bright as it reflected off the lake's glassy surface. It really was a pretty as I'm making it seem.:) We walked out to the edge of the Lake and talked as we just gazed at the sky and our amazing surroundings. We bundled up because it was pretty cold outside and tuck sang his own awesome version of "Twinkle twinkle little star" to me. Then we got back in the warm truck and listened to some mood setting jams... Then somehow he started to tickle me and as I was fighting it he ended up hitting me in the chin. I told him he needed to kiss it better, and he did, then I said no you missed and pointed to me cheek, then I pointed to my forehead, and then pointed to my lips. It was all over from there, as soon as our lips touched, it was fireworks and the prefect Def Leppard song, "When love and hate collide" played in the background. It was seriously the best first kiss I'd ever had. You know how they can tend to be awkward or not feel right, well this was not the case. This one was magic like you read about in Fairytales. All I can say is that it was definitely worth waiting for!

#2- My birthday. At the beginning of our dating, tuck was on the road a lot doing jobs for Cornerstone. I also was on the road a lot playing basketball. But this time mid november, I was home and as he was driving back from one of his trips, he called me on the phone and sang happy birthday to me just as the clock struck midnight. Then, that next day came to my house and surprised me with these!!!

that's a U crossed out cuz he knew how I felt about the university of utah

#3-Surprise Date. All of our dates were a blast, but once in awhile he would get this weird hair and want to surprise me and I loved it! This certain night he didn't tell me where we were going or what we were doing, but just started driving. However, he did have me grab a blanket, so I had an idea it was outside. Anyway, we pull up to the Cornerstone building and he grabs a bag out of his truck when we get out. He says to follow him and we end up in this back closet and I'm like, "okay really funny." But then he hands me all the stuff and starts climbing the ladder to the roof! So I climb up after him and hand him back the stuff once he gets to the top and opens the latch. When we both get on top of the building, he lays out the blanket and gets bowls and spoons out of the bag and pours each of us a bowl of milk and teddy grams (one of my favorite treats)! It was so adorable...we ate teddy grams in milk and cuddled under the moonlight--tell me that's not romantic!

#4-Valentine's Day. Once again, this guy was very sneaky and had a knack for making my day with a pleasant surprise. This time I was on the road and he was home. I flew in early Sunday morning on
Valentine's Day and I opened the door to my room and this was in there to greet me!

This was easily the cutest surprise anyone has left for me and was the best valentine's ever. 

      What a sweetheart!

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